Sunday, October 4, 2009

My first time!

I've never been a person that likes becoming dependent on anyone or anything. Occasionally I will cut certain things out of my life just to remind myself that I don't need them. This includes certain foods, T.V, the computer and my car etc. My view doesn't change when it comes to my hair either. I made the decision when I first had my locks installed that six months afterwards, I would be DIY'er. It actually happened during the seventh month. I know I didn't post about it, and trust me I wanted to make an appointment when I first took on this endeavor but half way through - I was more than comfortable. The picture shows half of my hair done and half to go. I didn't time myself because I was watching T.V but I would guess it took approximately six hours. I am so proud of me. My first time was in August and it's time for another appointment with myself. How gratifying it feels to be able to say that.

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