It has been three months and I finally got the time - no took the time to style my hair. I rolled it on rollers, styled it and thought I was so cute and wouldn't you know that this is the day it rained and I didn't have an umbrella. Alas not even sisterlock curls last through the rain. It's probably karma, the last time it rained I gave my umbrella to a sister with a fresh relaxer and walked into the rain triumphantly. It's good to know that mother nature has a sense of humor. So after I was humbled I managed to snap a few pictures at the end of the day and these are the pictures you see.
- My hair isn't as soft as it was but not hard. It feels more cylindrical, especially the ends in the back. In fact I'm sure the edges are locking first- front and back.
- The curly que ends in the front are beginning to turn in on themselves - I guess this is normal!
- Where as most of my locks are thickening up, the ones at the crown of my head are almost as thin as the day my locks were installed.
- They have started to flop around more, especially in my face when I'm working out and this is annoying.
- It takes forever for them to dry naturally when rolled. I thought three hours but no.....even after a full night they were still damp in the back.
- Little balls have began to form on the ends of some.
- They have become fuzzy, especially in the back which is a stark contrast to the top,they still have the taylored look.
For those who have been locked for a long time, how long did it take your locks to reach their full thickness?