Thursday, April 2, 2009

Three Months

It has been three months and I finally got the time - no took the time to style my hair. I rolled it on rollers, styled it and thought I was so cute and wouldn't you know that this is the day it rained and I didn't have an umbrella. Alas not even sisterlock curls last through the rain. It's probably karma, the last time it rained I gave my umbrella to a sister with a fresh relaxer and walked into the rain triumphantly. It's good to know that mother nature has a sense of humor. So after I was humbled I managed to snap a few pictures at the end of the day and these are the pictures you see.


  • My hair isn't as soft as it was but not hard. It feels more cylindrical, especially the ends in the back. In fact I'm sure the edges are locking first- front and back.
  • The curly que ends in the front are beginning to turn in on themselves - I guess this is normal!
  • Where as most of my locks are thickening up, the ones at the crown of my head are almost as thin as the day my locks were installed.
  • They have started to flop around more, especially in my face when I'm working out and this is annoying.
  • It takes forever for them to dry naturally when rolled. I thought three hours but no.....even after a full night they were still damp in the back.
  • Little balls have began to form on the ends of some.
  • They have become fuzzy, especially in the back which is a stark contrast to the top,they still have the taylored look.


For those who have been locked for a long time, how long did it take your locks to reach their full thickness? Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

Go girl! Looking good!

Docs Locs said...

Cute look!

Locked only 15 months or so, but mostly locked from the front of my head, past the crown to the back - just a little way to go in the kitchen and just above.

My locs are about twice the size at which they started, which is what my loctician predicted.


Phoenix Rising said...

@ Docs Locs - Thank you for the insight. I'm not sure how thick my hair will get but I suppose only time will tell. My loctician didn't offer any advice when I asked but I suppose it's because eveyone's hair is different.

@ Serving Christ - Thank you for the continued support. It means a lot.