Monday, January 19, 2009

Two Weeks

It's been two weeks and counting. I wish I could say that I've noticed a difference in my hair but I haven't. Since I last posted I have managed to braid and band (sorry no Pictures) during my first wash. This too was uneventful. I used my regular shampoo (Biolage Hydrating Shampoo) since it's not a detangler and I haven't had any slippage. Lucky Me!!!

My hair seems a tad bit fuller but not by much as you can see in the pictures. Speaking of which, how long do I have to wait to get my fullness back. How do you go from a full blown out afro (see above picure) where you can barely get a comb through to head full of scalp? I must say that my patience is being tested. Normally if I had two-strand twist, by the second week there is no scalp to be found. I continue to peruse others pictures and ..... well, I must be patient.

The other thing I can't help but notice is the shrinkage. Yes I expected it, but if one more person asks me if I cut my hair, I may just scream. I just want it to shrink as much as it will and let me get used to it. No more surprises on a day to day basis. Am I asking to much to just say Work With Me! But I digress.

I don't want to send the wrong messege. I do love my hair; maybe like is a better term right now. It still has body, shine and is very soft. It's change that takes a little getting used to.

Well until next week!!!!
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Anonymous said...

Don't give up, it'll get better.

Ms. L said...

Well, I think your locks look very good...As a sisterlock consultant, I have noticed with my clients,that it does take a few months to fill in...But, hang in there, you have the right texture that makes beautiful locs when they grow up...I too will be taking my journey next month...So, not only will I be locking clients, but also going through...Enjoy..

Phoenix Rising said...

Ms. L

I checked out your blog and your hair is beautiful right now so I to will be watching for your installation. Congratulations on getting an appointment date. It will be great to have another sister to take this journey with. I also appreciate the words of confidence, they mean sooo.. much to me. Good luck with your clients and all thay you do.
